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The community that we chose for our project is the Bermuda hospital community.

More specifically, the section of people in the hospital that need blood.


The hospital community is the community that we are indirectly serving by raising awareness for blood donation. This is unless we run a blood drive, which is currently unlikely.


The community that we are going to be directly serving is the Bermuda community as we are going to be raising awareness.


We will be specifically targeting that community that is eligible for blood donation and does not donate.


We are also going to be targeting the youth in our community for them to be aware of the need and want to do it when they become eligible. We have already started doing this by creating a (highly successful) Instagram account.


We currently have over 125 followers as well as support from all of our friends. In fact, some of our followers have already communicated to us interest on out project.


In addition to our Instagram account, we also have a Facebook which is still to be worked on.


To follow our Instagram account click on the link below (we will follow back!):


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